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Chinese translation for "radio spectrum"


Related Translations:
spectrum:  n.(pl. -tra )1.【物理学】谱,光谱;波谱;能谱,质谱。2.【无线电】射频频谱;无线电(信号)频谱。3.【心理学】(眼睛的)余像;残像。4.〔转义〕范围,幅度;(连续的)系列。短语和例子an absorption spectrum 吸收(光)谱。 a bright line spectrum 线状光谱。 an optical spectrum 光谱。 a sol
spectra:  n.spectrum 的复数。
solar spectrum:  太阳光谱。
electromagnetic spectrum:  电磁波频谱。
spectrum analysis:  光谱分析。
normal spectrum:  匀排光谱。
spectrum distribution:  光谱分布。
visible spectrum:  【物理学】可见光谱(段)。
emission spectrum:  【物理学】发射光谱。
Example Sentences:
1.The radio spectrum and its management
2.The radio spectrum used in narrowband personal communications services ( pcs )
用于窄带个人通信业务( pcs )的无线频谱。
3.Ofta publishes spectrum release plan to increase transparency in radio spectrum supply
4.There may not be enough radio spectrum to go around as demand grows
5.Like a deity , radio spectrum is invisible , omnipresent and commands awesome power
6.It will also be necessary to free up radio spectrum now used for military and satellite communications
7.It will also be necessary to free up radio spectrum now used for military and satellite communications
8.The radio spectrum ? the segment of the electromagnetic continuum containing waves in the radio - frequency range ? accommodates countless communications devices today
9.The present shortage of radio spectrum results in large part from the cost and performance limits of legacy hardware established during the past century
10.The electromagnetic interference tolerance is discussed in this paper , the radio spectrum assignment and the sensitivity of interference measurement equipment are described
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